Shadow Shot Sunday: Enigmatic

"Enigmatic" © 2010 Meri Arnett-Kremian

oh spectral image
draped in billowing whiteness 
you're an enigma


Sylvia K said…
An enigma indeed! And what a fun, mysterious shadow shot for the day! I love it!

Chubskulit Rose said…
That is gorgeous!

My shadow shots, hope you can visit, thanks!
Hootin Anni said…
This photo is aMAZing!!!!

Mine this week is a heron casting its shadow near the marina.

Here's the direct link

Have a great Sunday.
Laura said…
beautiful unusual!

“Draw near, child,” the spectre said.
“Do not faint with fear or dread.
I bring good news from afar,
News from planet, sun and star;
News to make the timid sing;
News to give the broken wing
Healing that will make it fly
Like an arrow through the sky.
So, my child, please have no fear,
Hear my tale—draw near, draw near!”

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Beyond the Walls
This, I adore. I have seen your images from the Venice Festival but I have not seen this one. It is truly magnificent. Enigmatic, ghostly, angelic, hard to say. Just such a pleasing image and the photo itself, so well done--framing, light, choice of scene--everything!
Anonymous said…
I love the image, and the haiku too.
I once had an enigma. It wasn't as unpleasant as I'd anticipated.

Have a nice day, Boonie
L. D. said…
This is wonderful.

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