Theme Thursday: Luck

Luck  o' the Irish to you!

Theme Thursday

p.s. My friend Noelle is coordinating a project
to purchase a ShelterBox for delivery 
in the earthquake/tsunami area.
To learn how to participate, click HERE.


Lynette Killam said…
Oh, I so enjoyed that, Meri! I'm Irish born and feeling homesick at the moment so this did my heart good...thanks for that!

Imagination Lane
Unknown said…
Fun to watch, beautiful imagery.
Cynthia M said…
Gorgeous collection of photographs...loved the Celtic background music too x
What a cool way to celebrat St. Patrick's day!
Lucy Westenra said…
So well worth watching. Thank you.
California Girl said…
good for you promoting Shelter Boxes! a wonderful project. Happy tt!
Hi Meri. Thank you so much for visiting my blog, for your support and your interests. As to your question,about writing for - I am honored and flattered that you would consider me. Thank you. And, yes I am interested and would love to more. I went to the site and it looks cool!

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