A Virgin a Day: Day Eleven

We seek her wisdom,
ask for guidance in matters mundane
and monumental.

Our Lady, what should I do?
we ask,
like those seeking guidance
from the Oracle at Delphi.

Sometimes her answer comes
in the words of a song,
in a resonant phrase in book,
in the insightful advice of a friend.

Sometimes it's just a sense of knowing
a sense of the rightness
of a course of conduct
that hadn't been apparent before.

She waits
until we seek her help

then pats her lap
and beckons us settle in
for some mothering.

She smooths back our hair
and rubs our forehead
in little circles
until our eyelids grow heavy

and then she whispers


J C said…
Your words ring so true. This is a really nice post. :)
Anonymous said…
Your art is compelling as are your words. Great post!xx
carol l mckenna said…
Divine creation and post ~

(A Creative Harbor) aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^
Delphyne said…
I love this, Meri - by time I finished reading it, I felt my eyelids growing heavier and waiting for the whisper.

Wonderful work you do!!
Wow! She has come from somewhere very deep.

Happy Tuesday!
GlorV1 said…
I too wait for the whisper. Very nice post and image. Thank you.
Leah said…
I think this is the most unique and original Mary I have seen yet! Incredible incarnation. It beckons. . .
Anonymous said…
I love your creation and the words were just what I needed to hear today. Thanks.
Dawn Elliott said…
Medusa Mary...she's a little scary...yet your poem is more beautiful and insightful than ever!
rebecca said…
"then pats her lap
and beckons us settle in
for some mothering.

She smooths back our hair
and rubs our forehead
in little circles
until our eyelids grow heavy

and then she whispers

the tenderness of this slays me!
Lenora said…
i hadn't realized that she waits for us to ask.. like my dad..
Priti Lisa said…
I laughed at Lenora's response!
was so true of my dad too.
I think she speaks more than we care to listen...at least I am guilty of this.
Beautiful post♥

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