Postcards from Paradise

For today's

I thought I'd take a wander
through things I've seen close to home
that I captured with the Android cam.

I drive my friends nuts
because my phone's usually off
and I hate texting.

But it's a handy dandy thing
to have a device that is small,
discreet, and picture-snapping.

Sometimes the big camera 
is just to heavy to lug around.


Anonymous said…
I love the carousel horse they are so nostalgic and scream of more naive times.
I love to snap pictures with my phones camera! we are so lucky with todays technology that most wouldn't know that is what you've used unless you told them.
Unknown said…
oh yes, love the camera too the icey glass looking sculpture? and the eggs.

carol l mckenna said…
Wow! Wonderful photography ~ ^_^

(A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^
Sometimes it's so easy to miss the things that are close to home. You opened your eyes and shared with us the beauty surrounding you. Thank you!

Paradise at The Temple Bar

rebecca said…
i am with you friend...i love looking at the world around me through the window of design, colour, form and texture.
gorgeous offerings...
Anonymous said…
Great post. Love your pix!
deb did it said…
I concur.
My camera just happens
to have a phone on it!!

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