Theme Thursday: Game

Nothing like a two or three-guy game of football

or soccer, depending on your nationality.

For other Theme Thursday interpretations
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Lenora said…
This is a great photo - have seen this in action in so many alleys or streets - this reminds me of 1985! Football, soccer, its a great game - just came from watching my son play!
Anonymous said…
this reminds me of a time when i got hit by the ball in the face XD~ great words!=P
washi said…
love this pic :)
Meri said…
Lenora: My oldest son played soccer when he was a little guy. . . but he didn't like being in the middle of a kicking frenzy. Much preferred digging in the dirt with sticks along the sidelines.

riikainfinityy: ouch!

Washi: Next time, I'd do rapid fire sequence shots to get more of the action.
x said…
Great action shot. Seeing kids play is refreshing, as opposed to inside on the video games.
Gladys said…
Great pic. I love watching kids play.
tony said…
You Photo Shows The Intense Excitement Of Youth.
All those Adult Professional seen on TV are only trying to recreate that childhood Thrill.....& losing miserably!!!
One Prayer Girl said…
My son played soccer as a kid. He loved it and I loved sitting on the grass watching practices.

Nice Theme Thursday.



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