Sepia Saturday: Major General Hugh Brady

Hugh Brady, born July 29, 1768 in Pennsylvania to John and Mary (Quigley) Brady. He was a twin to Jane Brady and one of ten children who survived infancy and early childhood - six boys and four girls. His father, Captain John Brady was killed during the Revolutionary War in a skirmish with Native Americans. After John's death, Mary Brady moved with her children to her father's home in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.

When Hugh was 16, his mother died. HIs older siblings had begun to marry, so Hugh moved with his brother Samuel to Washington County, Pennsylvania. Though Samuel married, Hugh continued to live with his brother until 1792, when Hug embarked on a military career.
Library of Congress Photo Collection (Daguerrotypes) - LC-USZ62-110036 portrait of General Hugh Brady by Mathew Brady between 1845 and 1851.

He was inducted with a commission from George Washington as an ensign in the army of General Anthony Wayne and joined a rifle company. Within two years, Hugh was promoted to lieutenant and fought with "Mad Anthony" in the Northwest Indian Wars. Following that war, he temporarily left the military in 1796. After spending time with family and friends in Virginia, Kentucky and Pennsylvania, he obtained a plot of land around 1800 and married Sarah Wallace.

In 1807, Hugh and Sarah moved to Northumberland County, Pennsylvania and in 1812, Hugh received a commission from President Thomas Jefferson. Hugh commanded the 22nd Infantry Regiment and saw action at the Battle of Chippewa and Battle of Lundy's Lane. Severe injuries in the latter battle ended his wartime service in the War of 1812, but he remained in the military.

His military duties including postings at Sackett's Harbor, New York and at the newly established Fort Brady near Lake Superior in Michigan territory. In 1822, he was promoted to brigadier general and given command of the garrison at Detroit by 1828.

He was peripherally involved in the Black Hawk War in Michigan and Illinois territories in 1832. Five years later, Hugh Brady was appointed commander of Military Department 7, headquartered in Detroit and during his seven years in the position, was responsible for the removal of several Native American tribes.

By the time of the Mexican-American War, he was too old for combat, but helped raise troops and equipment. He was promoted to Major General in 1848.
Library of Congress Photo Collection (Daguerrotypes) - LC-USZ62-110176 portrait of General Hugh Brady by Mathew Brady between 1845 and 1851. 

He died accidentally on April 15, 1851. He was driving a horse-drawn carriage in Detroit. Telegraph wires had been lowered for repairs and got tangled with the wagon. The horses panicked, throwing Brady from the carriage. His injuries were fatal. 


Postcardy said…
An unusually long military career--promoted at age 80.
Margaret said…
83 years old - that is old for back then. And he looks good, even though it looks like his teeth are gone.
Little Nell said…
How sad to die acidentally after a military career.
Unknown said…
Very colorful military career. War has been in the history of every country on earth, so longer than others. It is never pretty.
Great post.
Brett Payne said…
I wonder if he was related in any way to Matthew Brady the famous Civil War photographer. Great story and photos, thank you. I wish the Library of Congress had scanned all of their daguerreotypes in colour, rather than B+W, because so much subtlety is lost.
Mike Brubaker said…
Hugh and Matthew Brady were unrelated. Matthew came from an Irish immigrant background. But his death seems to be from a similar traffic accident involving a street car.
Fascinating post with such interesting portraits.
Alan Burnett said…
There is something wonderful about the fact that someone born in 1768 can appear in a photograph. Absolutely fascinating : thanks for digging those images out and thanks for the background information.
Christine H. said…
I love the way you write! You have a way of bringing these photos to life and making me want to know more.
Nancy said…
I think these photographs are amazing. I love how they show the wear and tear of time. Impressive that they still exist! Thanks for an interesting post.
egj1959 said…
My 6th Great Grandfather an I am very Proud

Earl Green Jr
Argus5 said…
Great photo, but I have the impression he was photographed dead. They use to do this.

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