Theme Thursday: Reveal

open yourself up
like a flower coming to fullness

and reveal your wisdom
to the world

For more Theme Thursday Reveals,
click here.


Anonymous said…
Oooooohhh.... the intricacy and the colors in these petals... I'm in awe. This is simply the best kind of revelation.
Anonymous said…
nice textures!
One Prayer Girl said…
What a beautiful picture to go with the beautiful words of this Theme Thursday.

Mine is up.

Gorgeous flower, and perfect words.
This is a phenomenally beautiful spirit of a flower. It is like "Flower" in Plato's World of forms. Breathtaking. A lovely Revelation.
RNSANE said…
Exquisite floral beauty.

My 55 is here.
Breath-taking artistry here Meri - on every level.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful words, and yes I do agreed talents and knowledge should be shared among people =P
Anonymous said…
Looks and sounds bloomin' marvellous to me.

All the best, Boonie
Dot-Com said…
Beautiful pic, and so true. We do need to sometimes open up!
christina said…
this is a beautiful reminder!
Me said…
Absolutely lovely, all of it. Great take on this week's theme. :)
lettuce said…
beautiful - it looks like painting and embroidery and photography all combined
love your words,
open up for wisdom sharing,plus a flower's beauty..

perfect take!
Anonymous said…
lovely pic, lovely words... good advice
Lenora said…
Nice - love the picture!

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