With all the political upheaval in Egypt featured in press coverage and on my mind, I thought I'd present some historical photos from the Library of Congress G. Eric and Edith Matson collection. Dating of these photographs is uncertain, with dates between 1898 and 1946 all in the range of possiblity. Strangely, many things haven't changed all that much in the last 65 years. Here's a glimpse of more recent Egypt from my trip to that beautiful, historical land in 2009. Along the shore of the Nile, between Aswan and Luxor. The Sphinx is no longer easily accessible. There is a walkway around the perimeter for viewing. To access the area between the paws, a special permit is required. The facade of the Temple of Horus at Edfu, shown in the vintage photograph above from the air. Along the road between Luxor and Abydos. In the villages outside of the Cairo metropolis, people live much as their parents and grandparents did, except that they have...