Loving Lupita: Day 12

Today's the Feast Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe,
the last day of Loving Lupita at Rebecca's place.

young maiden chosen
to be a holy vessel
fire burning bright


Laura said…
This is beautiful Meri!
Ah, Meri. Each set you've given us for Loving Lupita has been so meaningful to me. I especially love this one.
It is divine in all aspects! Thank you Meri for these twelve days and the light that you brought
J C said…
It is so neat to me to see all the different ideas everyone has had these past twelve days. It's been a peaceful trip down Mary's road.
gma said…
LOVE this. Did you make this one too? My best to you Meri.
Lea said…
This image and haiku are so lovely Meri. Thank you!
Gillena Cox said…
luv this

have a nice weekend

much love...
Your images are incredible in how you put them together. I am in awe and have enjoyed, once again, this special, 12 day journey with you.
Lenora said…
wonderful! with polyvore? thanks for the journey!
rebecca said…
dearest meri,
thank you for walking these days together. your offerings are gorgeous and always thought provoking in all the best ways. i have felt so comforted by your company.

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